Solutions for Risk Exposure®


Differences Between
Flood Insurance Policies and Homeowners Insurance

Comparing NFIP Flood and Typical Insurance Policies for Homeowners or Business

For assistance after a loss to your business, home or other property
Contact John Ruskin at the address or phone number, below.

What is different about how NFIP flood claims are handled?

The claims process for a claim on a NFIP flood policy is distinct from a claim under a homeowners or commercial/business policy. More information on some of the differences between claims handling for flood and homeowners insurance claims are available. Information, there, also applies to commercial and business owner policies, and how their claims are different.

1 Insurance policies, other than the NFIP flood policy, are regulated by the states. This regulation covers everything from sales and underwriting practices, policy form language, claims handling practices and adjuster licensing. While there are many general similarities between states, the interpretation of policy language is guided by each State's own regulations, law and court decisions. In contrast, the NFIP flood policy, and everything about it, is guided by Federal Statutes and regulations, and case law of U.S. Federal Courts. As to any insurance policy or claim, consult with an appropriate insurance expert, your agent, your insurance company and their adjusting staff, a public adjuster, or an attorney.

For more information on how to prepare for an insurance claim, or assistance in the adjustment of flood insurance claims, please contact John Ruskin at the address or phone number, below. More background on John Ruskin may be found here.